July 29, 2011

i kind of need these

and I might get them for free!!!

I've had my eye on these cuties for a while now, but I just haven't been able to fork over more than $100 for a pair of rain boots, or maybe I couldn't choose a color.  Either way, I don't have any...and I NEED a pair.

Linda at Rose a la Mode is giving away TWO pairs for her Blogiverary!  The winner gets 1 pair of Hunter Boots for themselves, and 1 pair to giveaway.  How fun is that? 

I want yellow. 
What color do you want?  When I win, I'll be doing a giveaway too!

Wait, wait, there's more.  Jill at Jill's Good Life for Less is also doing a giveaway for a Kate Spade "make a day of it" bracelet, and while I do LOVE the bracelet, I have a very good friend who totally deserves this bracelet, and I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win it for her!

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