- Readers of my blog know I adore nesting dolls, so when I spotted this Matryoska Stocking, I knew it would suit my whimsical side. $30
- For those times when I want to feel gorgeous, the GS Lillian Hannah Necklace would be just perfect--it comes in several colors! $125
- Every girl needs to be glamorous, and the easiest way to add a tad is with this Polish by Butter in Fairy Lights. $14
- The holidays are all about indulging, right? And sometimes I need some sweet, just like this Popcorn Tin from The Hampton Popcorn Company. $50
- A Clarisonic Mia would make me feel rejuvenated after all of that indulging! $119
Thank you Elle!
Popcorn? Umm...yes, yes, yes!!
So, what's on your list???
Link YOUR list up on Friday for a chance to win gifts for some of the girls on your list {more details Friday}
Stop back by later today to see who's list will be featured next...
Stop back by later today to see who's list will be featured next...

Thanks for letting me post!