January 22, 2013

if you haven't...

stopped by my newest home on the internet you might be missing out on a few things.

Please do stop by, I miss you!  And yes, I've heard through the grapevine, little birdies, and directly in my inbox that a few of you are missing outfit posts...they'll be back soon.  This is why.
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January 20, 2013

checking in | and out

If you're wondering what's going on with GS Lillian, you're not the only one.

I've been designing jewelry for quite a while now and I've always just let it flow naturally.  I know that sounds a little strange, but I never set out to design jewelry, or run a business (especially that second part).  It just happened.  That's not to say I didn't work very hard, I did.  I still love creating things that are beautiful, but I am burnt out on the "business" part.  So for now I am going to focus on things that inspire me.  If I'm meant to continue with GS Lillian, it will happen.  I have a few ideas I've been mulling over, but if I don't muster up the energy/enthusiasm/desire to carry them out, I'm okay with that too.

That being said, I do still love blogging, and more importantly, all the funny, beautiful, kind, and just plain amazing friends I've made.  As I've mentioned before, I've started a new blog that, from the design to the content, feels more like me. I hope you'll join me there soon.

All my love,

PS.  WHEW!  It feels good to get that off my chest.  I can breath again.

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October 11, 2012

today might be your lucky day

if you live in Chicago, AND happen to know this awesome girl.
{if you don't, you should}

While GS Lillian is under construction/being over-hauled/questioning it's existence, you can pick up a few (or a lot) of baubles from Chris.

I just sent her a HUGE shipment of delightful GS Lillian goodies!
E-mail Chris for more details!
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well, HELLO there!

I know.  Really, I know.

I have been a complete jerk, and I could give you a long list of (legitimate-ish) excuses as to my absence, but I am going to refrain because I really just want to tell you about

For some time now I have struggled with this blog.  I started it for my jewelry business, but then I really wanted to talk about more than business or *gasp* jewelry (lip gloss! cupcakes!  puppies!).  I know I'm really the boss here and I can talk about whatever I want (doughnuts for dinner anyone?), but it really didn't seem like the place.  SO... instead of (self inflicted) guilt trips, I decided to just start a new blog!

I would just love it if you would follow along with me!
{Here's a sneak peak.  Spoiler alert...it involves Kate Spade(on the cheap)}

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July 12, 2012

i spy | gsl

Meet Shon and her adorable family!  I feel so honored that she has celebrated so many occasions with me {via her GS Lillian Lynda cuff...}.  I love how she has taken the same piece from casual to sophisticated.  You can learn more about her over at The Sunflower Mama Chronicles where you will, no doubt, be motivated by her running updates, and her amazing family.
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